Wednesday 21 October 2015

Hessonite Gemstone For Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Hessonite gemstone- The gemstone of planet rahu is not described being the friend of planet mars and it is known to offer only average results for the ascendant of Scorpio. However, natives in whose birth chart or horoscope rahu is marked in the position 3rd, 6th, 8th or 10th house should wear rahu blessed hessonite or gomedh stone for three days as trial period and then adopt it further on the basis of their experience. 

This practice is mandatory due to the fact that rahu holds the status of malicious planet among all the nine planets And by far it has rewarded with the status of most influential planet due to its dominant power that can either play the role of destroyer or constructor in the life of a person as per its current position in the horoscope of a person. 

Rahu  planet does not exist in reality however since it represents the north node of the moon and upper half of the snake for which it is refereed as "Head of Dragon" due to its potent powers rewarded with status of planet. The honey color gomedh or hessonite gemstone is termed as "birthstone of month January" so individuals of month january should wear this gemstone.

Where to Buy Hessonite Stone: The honey color hessonite stone must be of top quality if a wearer wants to obtain best optimum results. However, in recent times due to availability of fraud jewelers and gems dealers a person find it a cumbersome task to spot legit hessonite stone dealers that too precisely in online market. 

Thus, while buying hessonite stone online a person should consider the reviews of site from where he/she wants to purchase this stone. A legit company will receive positive reviews from its customers as per their experience. Conversely, an online gem dealer that perceives negative reviews should be avoided.
While purchasing hessonite stone consider the brand name or company name and most importantly how long they have been operating in this field. Do not trust on newly established sites. Except this, prefer an online gem shop that display its address and phone number.

The most important thing that need to be kept in the head while purchasing this stone is the GIA Number Gem Identification Number) which entails the description about the stone. Do not buy stone without GIA Number.

The company that provides online instant support would be prefer over the company which do not provide easy mode of communication. Along with this, also consider the shipping policy and return policy of the company since all these parameters disclose about the company's market reputation and seriousness toward customer satisfaction.

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